It's been a few months since I've posted anything up here (chalk it up to b-school). But I figure I should try to keep in the habit of posting things I come across. With the election only 8 days away, I thought this one was appropriate. I read a post in Mankiw's blog called "My Personal Work Incentives". He takes a look at each of the candidates tax plans, specifically the high-end of where their tax plans would place people and companies, and then considers where an additional dollar earned today would be 35 years from now. Basically, if he earned an additional dollar today and saved it for 35 years with interest at 10%, what could he expect to hand over to his kids in 35 years (taking into account personal income taxes, capital gains taxes, corporate taxes, and estate taxes)?
So, it turns out that $1 would yield $28 to his kids without taxes, $4.81 with McCain's tax plan, and $1.85 with Obama's tax plan. I thought this was a funny closing line:
So, it turns out that $1 would yield $28 to his kids without taxes, $4.81 with McCain's tax plan, and $1.85 with Obama's tax plan. I thought this was a funny closing line:
The bottom line: If you are one of those people out there trying to induce me to do some work for you, there is a good chance I will turn you down. And the likelihood will go up after President Obama puts his tax plan in place. I expect to spend more time playing with my kids. They will be poorer when they grow up, but perhaps they will have a few more happy memories.