Someone recommended I read the NY Times Magazine article from a few weeks ago called " Capitalism to the Rescue " about how venture capital money is fueling the so-called green-tech economy. The article almost entirely focuses on Kleiner Perkins. The article includes quotes from John Doerr and Aileen Kim (one of the Green VC Stars ) among others. The article talks at length about how KPCB finally made its foray into green-tech in the last few years and why they did so. Surprisingly it was Bill Joy that led the way with a "map of grand challenges" in the energy space: Then, in late 2006, at one of Kleiner’s corporate retreats, Bill Joy, a founder of Sun Microsystems and a new partner at the firm, displayed what later became known within Kleiner as “the map of grand challenges.” This was a matrix of colored squares that itemized the firm’s progress in locating potential investments in about 40 different categories: water, transportation, energy efficiency, electri...
observations on business, the economy, and entrepreneurship