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Showing posts from March, 2010

Four Lessons from McKinsey on Digital Marketing and the Opportunities They Present

I just read a great article in McKinsey Quarterly called " Four ways to get more value from digital marketing " by David Edelman, a partner in their Marketing and Sales Practice in Boston. Here is a summary of the four lessons with a couple comments of my own thrown in: 1. Orchestrate an integrated consumer experience. Coordinate activities to engage the consumer throughout an increasingly digital purchase journey. Some examples: TV commercials should offer keywords that can be used later for online searches, links should go to specific places to learn about and buy products, retailers should use the same images and rich descriptions as the manufacturer, shifting of budgets from mass media spending to areas that influence a consumer's evaluation process (presence in stores and online, search engine positioning, content for retailer's web sites, and cultivating recommendations online influencers like bloggers). 2. Inspire customers to help you stretch your market...