Read an interesting blog post titled " The Future of Music Business Models (and Those Who Are Already There) " by Mike Masnick. I don't know much about the music industry, so thought it was interesting. The main take-away of the new way to approach music business models is: Connect with Fans (CwF) + Reason to Buy (RtB) = The Business Model The business models he used as examples ranged from giving away music for free online (but charging for "packages"), to getting your fan-base to fund your next record, to Here were the examples: Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails - They give away their music for free online, but ask that you sign-up for their email list. You then get emails about their upcoming tour dates, can find ways to connect with other fans (like forums, mobile apps, and user submitted videos), to purchasing higher-end packages. He's made a lot of money this way ... despite giving the music away for free. Drummer Josh Freese - He priced his album s...
observations on business, the economy, and entrepreneurship