My finance professor handed out a fantastic article called " The End " written by Michael Lewis, the writer of Liar's Poker , about the mortgage melt-down and some reasons for what fueled the bubble on Wall Street. The main take-away from the entire article for me is that incentives on Wall Street are totally mis-aligned - as I'll talk about shortly. In the article, Lewis tells the story of Steve Eisman. Eisman started his career as a corporate attorny, then turned to become an equity research analyst at Oppenheimer, and finally moved on to a hedge fund (Front Point Partners). At Front Point, Eisman built up short positions across the entire subprime mortgage lifecycle - mortgage originators, homebuilders, mortgage bonds, CDO's, etc. The article describes in colorful detail Eisman's journey in uncovering the roots of the industry and at every turn how shocked Eisman himself is. Eisman repeatedly questions how it was even possible (or legal for that matter)...
observations on business, the economy, and entrepreneurship