"Across the United States, if someone is injured in an auto accident, the chances are about one in seven that the at-fault driver is uninsured" - so says a 2006 article in the Insurance Journal. Why should you care? Because you could be involved in one of those accidents. I learned that the hard way today. I got hit by someone yesterday in a parking lot. At the scene they claimed to have auto-insurance and I jotted down their insurance and license info, but when I called their insurance company today to file a claim I discovered there policy had lapsed. Lucky for me the damage was minor. As it turns out, though, I shouldn't have been surprised that the driver was uninsured. In California, the rate of uninsured motorists is even more outrageous - one in four ! That's the second worst uninsured rate in the United States. That's sad. (And the lesson here - always always always call the police to file a report!) So how could the problem be this bad? I suppose this ...
observations on business, the economy, and entrepreneurship