Read an interesting article in HBS Working Knowledge newsletter today about a new book that talks about reaching impasses in your life that require you to take a fresh look at your life to get "unstuck". I definitely feel like I've reached several of these in my life, so this article is pretty interesting. I suppose this is another way of saying "mid-life crisis", except that it can happen many times in your life. Here is an excerpt from the article where the author describes what he means by an "impasse": The meaning of an impasse, although it's usually first expressed as a failure or in an internalized notion of inadequacy, is a request for us to change our way of thinking about ourselves and our place in the world. At impasse our model—our cognitive map of life and of the way we're going to fit into it—is no longer working. We all carry a representation of the world, our work, how we do our work, and how we fit in and where we're going;...
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